Research Interests
Contemporary Black Fiction; Black Postmodernism; Gender/Sexuality Studies and African American Narrative; Black Feminist Theory and Criticism; Hip Hop and the Literary; Black Speculative Fiction
Research Description
My research uses a critical black feminist lens to consider how a variety of African American cultural texts address evolving questions of racial subjectivity, sexual politics, and class in the United States. My first book, Private Lives, Proper Relations: Regulating Black Intimacy (Minnesota, 2007), examined how African American writers articulate the political consequences of intimacy for the already-vulnerable black subject. In 2011, I guest edited a special issue of the journal African American Review on "Hip Hop and the Literary." My current project, "Bourgeois in the Flesh: Class, Sex, and the Vulnerable Racial Body" (under contract with the Univ of Minnesota Press), explores the dilemma of black middle-class embodiment in post-Civil Rights era African American fiction.
Ph.D. Duke University; B.A. Spelman College
Awards and Honors
- National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship, 2018
- Winner, William Sanders Scarborough Award for an Outstanding Scholarly Study of African American Literature or Culture, Modern Language Association, 2007
- Woodrow Wilson Career Enhancement Fellowship for Junior Faculty, 2004-2005
Courses Taught
I regularly teach courses on contemporary African American literature and culture, black speculative fiction, and hip hop (as) narrative, as well as black women's writing and black feminist theory.
Additional Campus Affiliations
Professor, English
Highlighted Publications
Jenkins, C. M. (2019). Black Bourgeois: Class and Sex in the Flesh. University of Minnesota Press.
Jenkins, C. M. (2007). Private Lives, Proper Relations: Regulating Black Intimacy. University of Minnesota Press.
Recent Publications
Jenkins, C. M. (2024). “Unimaginable from this distance”: Get Out, Black Speculative Horror, and Captive Embodiment. Studies in the Fantastic, 2024-Spring(16), 39-59.
Jenkins, C. M. (2019). Black Bourgeois: Class and Sex in the Flesh. University of Minnesota Press.
Jenkins, C. M. (2017). Black Refusal, Black Magic: Reading African American Literature Now. American Literary History, 29(4), 779-789.
Jenkins, C. M. (2016). New bourgeoisie, old bodies: Performing post-civil rights black privilege in Tar Baby and School Daze. Criticism, 58(4), 621-645.
Jenkins, C. M. (2014). "A wider society": Man Gone Down, Class, and "Post-Racial" Vulnerability. Paper presented at modern language association annual convention, United States.